“Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people” – Leo Burnett
The gifts of creativity and thought are within us all. Creativity and thoughts can be expressed in any number of ways from a story to an inventive solution to fixing that broken sink. The way we choose to express these traits and what we do with them help define us. However we may choose to be creative or express our thoughts we have the power to touch many lives and the power to improve them.
In this way creativity and the thought that fuels it are the gifts of making gifts. Do you feel creativity is abundant in you? Do you feel your thoughts have greater potential and applications? Do you feel there is a way you are supposed to be using your gifts but aren’t? Find out if creativity, thought or any other attribute in the Soul Plan resonate with you and your name with a Soul Plan reading.
Soul Plans interest me greatly. They have much to tell us. I am honoured to be able to express my creativity and thoughts in ways such as a talk and demonstration this Saturday (11/05/13) on Soul Plan Reading at Borstal Village Hall, Rochester, Kent. Click here for details. In addition I am also happy to announce I now offer mini Soul Plan readings in addition to full Soul Plan readings.
Love and blessings,
Susan x
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